Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April 17 Reading

I'm off my "A" game.

We all go through periods of plateauing, of feeling funky and out-of-sorts. Mercury Retrograde plus Mars Retrograde doesn't help. Now that the planets are back in line, I want to get going too.

My question was "What energy is around me today?" From the Spiral Tarot I drew two cards.

The Hanged Man.

The Hanged Man can mean several things. Just by itself, it's a card of surrender, no forward progress. Yes, I feel stalled. Is the message to surrender to that feeling? Maybe. But, there's a rainbow behind this guy, so I know that some of the small steps I've taken to are working in the background.

On to card #2

The Hierophant Reversed.

I didn't reverse the card so you could see what we're looking at a little easier. For me, reversed cards can mean energy blocks, something just not working well. The Hierophant is the teacher of higher knowledge, the ethical arbiter. The card before him, The Emperor, is the ruler of law. This is the next step.

So, he's reversed but he still has a rainbow, this time, running from both his hands. So, even though there's a block here, I feel constrained by rules or maybe tribal consciousness, I have the means at hand, to change that.

Taking the two cards together, even though I'm in a period of stagnation, there are forces at work, that change this. The 'holding' period will end.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Edgar Cayce eGroups

I had the opportunity to take one of the A.R.E. (Association for Research and Enlightenment) eGroups this past month and I highly recommend them. Last spring I took "Inspirational Writing" and got a lot out of it. This time, I took "Increasing your Psychic Awareness."

Henry Reed Ph.d taught the course and I learned alot about 'how' intuition is received. There were a lot of computer generated exercises, some reading and video on further studies that analyzed the brain's ability to process material, and person to person reading exercises.

The computer games gave me performance anxiety, even though we weren't supposed to score ourselves.

That's like my yoga class, where we're told not to compare ourselves to the person next to me. Right!

But, I surprised myself by doing really well with the person to person exercises. Actually, we all did - so I would say this course was very successful.

The ARE website is http://www.edgarcayce.org/ and there's a wealth of information there. Also - if you're on Facebook, look for their page, and also their Dream Interpretation page, and their Book Club page.

Quality material, knowledgeable people. I highly recommend.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What my last reading showed me (Reality Check)

So, I drew the 6 of wands, King of Cups and Page of Swords the other day. This is how the day's energy played out.

Directions given were ignored by the person responsible for carryiing out a task. This pushed emotional buttons with me over boundaries and since, it's happened many times, I recognized a pattern that needed to be addressed. Feeling really angry (again) I asked someone to go the through the material with me to see what could or should, be salvaged. My sword dilemna was worrying whether I should reprimand someone and ask it to be redone, incurring more charges on the project, or let it go, suffer in silence and let that boundary stretch and have the process repeat.

The king of Cups was telling me that perhaps, I had held on to emotions too tightly for too long. That by coddling someone elses' sensibilties, I was not honoring myself or the King. I tried to keep my 'eye on the prize' in the 6 and weighed the options for success.

I felt very pressured by this person to respond and to accept the material as submitted. By 2 in the morning, still awake and fuming, I accepted that my anger had a lesson.

There was another flip email asking me to justify my requests. This was clearly a situation out of control. I composed an email, had my supervisor review it for clarity and CYA, and sent it. Several passive aggressive and lenthy emails shot into my in box. I replied directly and shortly on what I wanted. After the second round, the situation appears to be resolved. For now. I thank the universe for the lessons and guidance, and realize that boundary issues, like other lessons, resurface.

So, tonight I'm hooking up with Marie to talk some more tarot and practice some spreads. More information to come.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tarot Today

Since my last post, I've been revisiting my Tarot decks and reading some new material. I'll post some book reviews later.
The smartest thing I've done in the Tarot department is hook up with my friend Marie, AKA Tarot Buddy. We bounce readings off each other, and sometimes another person's interpretation adds a bit of illumination to a spread. Generally, we do this by email, writing the question, posting the cards, and giving our swing on the reading. Sometimes we come to the same conclusion, sometimes not. We don't use the same decks, so what we see in our cards is unique to each of us, but we will pick up themes.

The added benefit is when we get together to do readings. Mostly this has been about work or family situations (Yay! Holidays!) but we end the sessions with a joint reading an issue in the news. We've done Casey Anthony, the weird weather, etc. The last time we did this, our cards were in sync and our narratives flowed easily. So, yes, practice helps and so does working with someone.

Ok, so my goal today was to draw a card for these two questions: I used the Spiral Tarot and asked: What is the energy today at work? What energy will I bring to the day? I shuffled and intended to draw two cards. Instead I pulled three:

Six of Wands, King of Water and Knight of Swords. My interpretation: There is opportunity for success, but keep your eye on the prize. Manage your emotions and maintain an even keel. Remember, holding on too tightly is as damaging as ranting and raving. Rein in your thoughts, they are like words and can wound you.

So far, I've gotten good news, dealt with an emotional issue with detachment, and am working on solving a crisis. Looks like the cards gave me a wise heads-up.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


From the Wisdom of the Hidden Realms deck

This seems like a mixed message but after reflection, it is not. The Desert Prince (R) says to be aware of illusions and false promises, of things too good to be true. He also says that every desert you cross, eventually ends. The Swan Queen advises you to go within, the answers you seek, lie within.

Today, take time to go within. Be still and in this time of winter, when the sun starts to return across the horizon, reflect on the beauty of stillness and the quiet of peace. Take stock of the situations that present themselves. If you feel 'good' about them, accept them. If you feel uncomfortable, turn the opportunity down. So much information comes in at us, people want answers immediately. Don't be pressured into decisions you're not comfortable with; wait, reflect, then decide and act.

You have what you need within yourself. Rely on yourself and your Higher Power(s) whatever you conceive them to be.

Solstice is an ideal time to ask for a vision.
May all your visions be blessed.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

December reading - finally

This month, you may find yourself being pushed by timelines and obligations, and as a result, you may be pushing others in order to meet your deadlines and expectations. It's ok to be flexible, as in 'being rigid will make you and others crazy.' But it's not ok to run yourself and others to exhaustion - tempers flair and nerves are frayed.

As always, you are receiving divine guidance, sometimes it's as faint as a breath of air, but always it is there to support you. Look up (relax and breath) and remember that all is in Divine order, even if you feel your holiday schedule is not. During this month of giving and feasting, remember to give to your soul and the souls of those around you. Exercise compassion. Perform random acts of kindness. These gifts are as precious to the reciever as those fancily wrapped gifts are, under your tree. This month, remember that Nature's gift is the gift of silence, and of returning light. Be the Light you truly are.

Blessings always,

Monday, November 28, 2011

Your Reading for December

I promise I will pull cards for this month and post them but for right now, let me share this wisdom from my guides:

1. Get off your Tukas. The guides want to remind you not to lolly gag at the beginning of the month. Yes, you think you're doing something by running around and shopping. But are you really like the deer staring at headlights? "Oh no, Christmas (Yule, Chanukah) is looming!" Get organized and take steps everyday to accomplish the crap you are so worried about. Then let it go. The second message here, is to move as in, take those yoga classes, walk outdoors (NO! MALL SHOPPING DOES NOT COUNT!). Get away from others and move your body so it can actually function, and relax.

2. Spend time in nature. See card 1. The mall, parties, and traffic take away from your energy base. I know, it's raining like crazy in Ohio, but maybe snowing where you're at. No matter. Find some time to get outside even it it's on your porch or stoop. Nature is really beautiful this time of year - it's quiet and it's the time for us to go 'within' as well. Breath the cold air, so what if it's wet? Ten or twenty minutes outside will change your attitude and recharge your energy. If you can get outside and walk in a park, even better. Leave the headphones at home, and let nature's peace enter your being.

3. What are you doing this for? At the end of the month, take time to remember why you were so frantic. Whether you're celebrating Yule, Christmas or Chanukah, it's the returning light - in the form of the Sun, the Christ Child, or the lit menorah from the oil that lasted eight days - that reminds us that we too, are lights in the world.

This is the darkest time of the year. Days are short and we celebrate to relieve the darkness and remind ourselves that the light always returns. Take that in whatever spiritual context suits you. This is not the end, but the beginning. Find ways to lighten up - yourself, your schedule, your heart. This time of preparation should be a way to open doors to deeper awareness of the miracles of simply living another day, taking another breath, and loving those around us.

So - let's kick this off properly and with joy.