Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I'm a fan of Doreen Virtue. I think I have most of her Oracle cards. Anyway, continuing my morning spiritual routine, I drew "Your Patience will Be Rewarded" from her Magical Unicorn deck.

Summary of Day:
My car stalled out twice on the way to work. The second time was on an incline, at an interesection. Did I mention I drive a stick? And there were seven cars behind me. I had a death grip on the steering wheel. A real OMG what do I do? moment. (massive prayers to saints and angels).

The car ultimately started and I limped it back home.

Plan A was to change cars with my husband, who was at a new dentist. I didn't realize that would be two hour appointment, or that we would now be stimulating the local economy through dental, periodontal and car repairs.

I did change cars, and while I was at work, the predicted winter storm let loose, so navigating intense snow in a Civic to get home was another challenge.

End of Day Thought: I didn't panic too much in the car, and took most of the day's events in stride - a big step forward for me. So, I'll chalk it up to a successful day, at least on a spiritual level.

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