Because it works.
Whether or not you're conscious of it, your thoughts create your reality every day. Step back a minute and think about it.
How do you feel when you're in a good mood? Expansive, right? Things look better, 'bumps'in the day are manageable and you feel lighter. In fact, the longer you maintain that 'good mood outlook' the better things become.
Now remember what if feels like when you're down. Completely the opposite. "Bump" are worse, attitudes are worse, you feel like one (bad) thing leads to another.
The common denominator in both situations is our thoughts. We're thinking higher vibrational thoughts when we feel happy or content. Keeping yourself in this mind-set requires practice and focus, but it's worth the effort. When you let your mind run in a million directions, half of them negative, you're drawing random and negative energy and situations to yourself.
Control your thoughts, experience better situations.
"This all sounds well and good," you say. "All fluffy and light. What about real situations?"
Ok, here's my latest manifesting.
In July, we visited a community we really liked, 2 hours from home. We both decided we'd like to visit more often, and came to the conclusion a small cottage/vacation house would fit the bill. While John looked at real estate listings in our 'handy-man special' price range, I wrote out a list of desireable attributes for the property.
Those attributes included (but not limited to ) appliances, safe neighborhood, enclosed yard, nicely finished, garage, and in our price range. At the end, I wrote "This or something better." John laughed and said yeah, that would be great.
We looked at a couple homes that probably needed a lot more TLC than we could afford to give them. A LOT MORE. Frankly we had a couple convos about whether this was a reasonable idea. I knew that if it was meant to be, it would happen easily and in the time it was meant to be. So, we enjoyed the time we spent going over and back and talked about the fun stuff we could do over in the community, and how great it would be, to be a part of the place. And - to not have to board Rhett.
So the second week into this venture, we saw The House. It was recently listed, included all the attributes we listed (plus more!) and the realtor could show it that weekend. The result? The house was vacant, the owner was motivated and we close on it next week. In the spirit of full-disclosure, this house is in the community next to the one we originally liked, but we like this community even better, and have access to both with an easy drive.
If I can do it, you can do it. All this took was belief, joy and trust. And you have to open to the possibilities. Spirit will give you exactly what you ask for, or better. So ask for the best.
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