Thursday, December 22, 2011


From the Wisdom of the Hidden Realms deck

This seems like a mixed message but after reflection, it is not. The Desert Prince (R) says to be aware of illusions and false promises, of things too good to be true. He also says that every desert you cross, eventually ends. The Swan Queen advises you to go within, the answers you seek, lie within.

Today, take time to go within. Be still and in this time of winter, when the sun starts to return across the horizon, reflect on the beauty of stillness and the quiet of peace. Take stock of the situations that present themselves. If you feel 'good' about them, accept them. If you feel uncomfortable, turn the opportunity down. So much information comes in at us, people want answers immediately. Don't be pressured into decisions you're not comfortable with; wait, reflect, then decide and act.

You have what you need within yourself. Rely on yourself and your Higher Power(s) whatever you conceive them to be.

Solstice is an ideal time to ask for a vision.
May all your visions be blessed.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

December reading - finally

This month, you may find yourself being pushed by timelines and obligations, and as a result, you may be pushing others in order to meet your deadlines and expectations. It's ok to be flexible, as in 'being rigid will make you and others crazy.' But it's not ok to run yourself and others to exhaustion - tempers flair and nerves are frayed.

As always, you are receiving divine guidance, sometimes it's as faint as a breath of air, but always it is there to support you. Look up (relax and breath) and remember that all is in Divine order, even if you feel your holiday schedule is not. During this month of giving and feasting, remember to give to your soul and the souls of those around you. Exercise compassion. Perform random acts of kindness. These gifts are as precious to the reciever as those fancily wrapped gifts are, under your tree. This month, remember that Nature's gift is the gift of silence, and of returning light. Be the Light you truly are.

Blessings always,

Monday, November 28, 2011

Your Reading for December

I promise I will pull cards for this month and post them but for right now, let me share this wisdom from my guides:

1. Get off your Tukas. The guides want to remind you not to lolly gag at the beginning of the month. Yes, you think you're doing something by running around and shopping. But are you really like the deer staring at headlights? "Oh no, Christmas (Yule, Chanukah) is looming!" Get organized and take steps everyday to accomplish the crap you are so worried about. Then let it go. The second message here, is to move as in, take those yoga classes, walk outdoors (NO! MALL SHOPPING DOES NOT COUNT!). Get away from others and move your body so it can actually function, and relax.

2. Spend time in nature. See card 1. The mall, parties, and traffic take away from your energy base. I know, it's raining like crazy in Ohio, but maybe snowing where you're at. No matter. Find some time to get outside even it it's on your porch or stoop. Nature is really beautiful this time of year - it's quiet and it's the time for us to go 'within' as well. Breath the cold air, so what if it's wet? Ten or twenty minutes outside will change your attitude and recharge your energy. If you can get outside and walk in a park, even better. Leave the headphones at home, and let nature's peace enter your being.

3. What are you doing this for? At the end of the month, take time to remember why you were so frantic. Whether you're celebrating Yule, Christmas or Chanukah, it's the returning light - in the form of the Sun, the Christ Child, or the lit menorah from the oil that lasted eight days - that reminds us that we too, are lights in the world.

This is the darkest time of the year. Days are short and we celebrate to relieve the darkness and remind ourselves that the light always returns. Take that in whatever spiritual context suits you. This is not the end, but the beginning. Find ways to lighten up - yourself, your schedule, your heart. This time of preparation should be a way to open doors to deeper awareness of the miracles of simply living another day, taking another breath, and loving those around us.

So - let's kick this off properly and with joy.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Best. Holiday. Ever.

Seriously, who doesn't love a day devoted to feasting and football? Or another leisure activity. It was sunny for part of the day and our feast turned out great. Mr. Rhett got giddy and counter surfed, but who can blame a coonhound for going after roast turkey? Or third dinner?

This is a day to realize how blessed I am - to thank the Universe for all the abundance, the good health, the love of my family and for an even more abundant future.

Blessings to all.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Indian Summer!

It's Indian Summer in Ohio and PA. This picture is the Allegheny River, near our home in PA. So near, that I can walk down there. (And if I don't set the parking brake, my car will end up there since it's at the end of our street.)

Anyway, you can see how gorgeous this area is, and for me, this is a magical place. The river current, the trees, the Allegheny Mountains, all create a space that feels otherworldy - to me, anything can be created here. I very much feel the energy of the land.

Where is your magical place? Is it you garden (yes, my garden is magical too) Is it a place in the park or woods? Where ever it is, you feel the sacredness when you visit. And, if you're working on visualizing, you can 'go' there any time you want, in any season.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday November 4

It's a gorgeous fall day in Ohio and we're headed to Oil City for the Weekend. If you haven't been on the website lately, check my "Weekends in Oil City" Blog to see what we're doing over there. It's a magical place as well.

I am 2 days behind in my Nano writing and 'blah' about my plot. So, I down loaded "Write or Die" that puts the 'prod' in productivity and we'll see how that goes.

In the meantime, spend some time in nature. All of winter is an internal time for me - to germinate what I want to manifest in the spring and summer. But there's something particularly profound about these days between Samhain and Yule. Get in touch with the self that jumped in leaves and anticipated hot chocolate. Get in touch with the Fae and Nature Spirits, or your ancesters. The veil is still thin from Samhain and if you missed an opportunity to pray for or commune with them, it's not too late. It's never too late, but take some time now before the hectic times begin.

Monday, October 31, 2011


The veil is thin, this time of year. Take advantage to connect with your ancesters, your guides and nature. For those of us turning the Wheel of the Year, may your workings be blessed.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Why is your title so weird?

When I was fourteen, my family went to South Carolina to visit my dad's sister, Joanne. Aunt Joanne was a legendary cook, and Uncle Coyou brought home the bacon. Literally. He was an avid fisherman and hunter. So, it's the middle of July and we're standing in her kitchen, where she's preparing ham, turkey, hush puppies and lord knows what all.
And she turns to me and says "Honey, you know, you can't shake and bake squirrel."
And my world stood still.
What did that mean, I wondered. This was the early 70's, when prepared food mixes were at their zenith. Aunt Joanne was passing along a culinary tip. But for me, uninterested in cooking, the phrase took on mystic proportions. For the last 40 years, it's stuck with me, through thick and thin and I've used it more times than I can count. It's like my personal kone. One day it means one thing, the next, it means something different. But, it's a gift I'll always have, thank you Aunt Joanne - you're my inspiration.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

National Novel Writing Month

Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month) is November. Are you in? Write a 50k novel in 30 days and meet some fantastic people, plus donations support their Young Writers Literacy program, a free writing program for classrooms. This is my fifth year - Join me.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Energy surges

If you've felt squirrely the last couple weeks, you're not alone. Some of the information I read say that the earth's energy is shifting, that higher vibrations are being felt across the planet.

We've seen more intense weather patterns this year, and to say the American political scene is polarizing, is an understatement.

So, if you're restless, cranky, unable to sleep, it could be you, and it could be you're feeling this shift. If you know how to ground energy, do it. Yoga is an excellent practice for grounding. If you're new to grounding, visualize the energy you feel (for me, this is usually like a caffeine buzz) flowing out your feet, and into the earth. Thank the earth for recycling. Visualize calming and peaceful energy replacing the buzzing. You can dance, sing, move, walk - especially outside in nature - to shift that energy.

Take a minute to sit with yourself. Has the energy moved or do you feel the same? Check in with yourself. Repeat any practice that helps you feel more like 'you' and less like a live wire.

Just a note - there are places where energy accumulates or is higher. Vortexes and ley lines are high energy places, so if you live around an area like that, you're going to notice and feel the surges even more. I noticed this in PA - we're in the Allegheny foothills withing walking distance of the junction of the Oil Creek and Allegheny. All emotions are intensified.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Weekend in Oil City, PA

So, we closed on the Oil City house two weeks after after seeing it, and shlepped an air mattress, dishes, a table and two dining chairs over. Camping for adults!

All is wonderful in the house, and given the location (think ski slope) we're not surprised that the floors are slanty. John laughed about getting his "sea legs," well, he's the captain of the Oil City ship, it just lists to starboard.

The energy in the area feels very ancient, and powerful to me. It might be the mountains, or the Allegheny river, but you can feel the depth of energy as you approach the area.

Even though it felt 'clear' in the house, I smudged and invited AA Michael and Co. to clear and protect the space. I might have been additionally motivated by the meth lab bust up the hill a bit or the many signs advertising the Northside Anti-Drug Rally. In all things, better safe than sorry.

So, last weekend we realized we needed a couple comfortable chairs. We heard about the Oil City Antiques Warehouse and headed over the river and through the woods (and under the bridge and back, back, back) to find it. We were initially leary, the rain and gloom didn't help the ambiance. But OMG! when we got inside it was like a combination of "Pawn Stars" and "Pickers.," (History Chanel shows I love). Mesmerizing! Luckily, we met Pat, who took us directly to the chair section, on the second floor. We scored two excellent chairs, that matched the size and color (Win!) of the living room and fit in our Honda Element.

Getting the one in the narrow front door was a bit of a struggle, but finally it was in.

Part two of the weekend involved a visit to the Oil City Library, a Carnegie Library that is lovely and imposing at the same time.

We browsed the stacks and I saw a large glossy book about ghosts and hauntings.

I swear I never watch ghost hunting shows, or read scary stories (vampires and ghouls no longer qualify as 'scary', thank you to everyone who took creatures of the night and made them the equivelent of soap opera stars.) But I flipped through the book and don't you know, started reading a story about haunted second-hand furniture. Blech! I didn't finish the tale but eyed the chairs with deep suspiscion when we got home.

Rhett Butler was snoozing behind the stuffed chair, so I assume between him and AA Michael, they were safe. Lesson learned.

Just a note about Oil City Antique Warehouse: This is a wonderful destination, and if you're anywhere near, please visit. It's on Pump House Road. They have amazing finds and helpful staff.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Why you should manifest

Because it works.

Whether or not you're conscious of it, your thoughts create your reality every day. Step back a minute and think about it.

How do you feel when you're in a good mood? Expansive, right? Things look better, 'bumps'in the day are manageable and you feel lighter. In fact, the longer you maintain that 'good mood outlook' the better things become.

Now remember what if feels like when you're down. Completely the opposite. "Bump" are worse, attitudes are worse, you feel like one (bad) thing leads to another.

The common denominator in both situations is our thoughts. We're thinking higher vibrational thoughts when we feel happy or content. Keeping yourself in this mind-set requires practice and focus, but it's worth the effort. When you let your mind run in a million directions, half of them negative, you're drawing random and negative energy and situations to yourself.

Control your thoughts, experience better situations.

"This all sounds well and good," you say. "All fluffy and light. What about real situations?"

Ok, here's my latest manifesting.

In July, we visited a community we really liked, 2 hours from home. We both decided we'd like to visit more often, and came to the conclusion a small cottage/vacation house would fit the bill. While John looked at real estate listings in our 'handy-man special' price range, I wrote out a list of desireable attributes for the property.

Those attributes included (but not limited to ) appliances, safe neighborhood, enclosed yard, nicely finished, garage, and in our price range. At the end, I wrote "This or something better." John laughed and said yeah, that would be great.

We looked at a couple homes that probably needed a lot more TLC than we could afford to give them. A LOT MORE. Frankly we had a couple convos about whether this was a reasonable idea. I knew that if it was meant to be, it would happen easily and in the time it was meant to be. So, we enjoyed the time we spent going over and back and talked about the fun stuff we could do over in the community, and how great it would be, to be a part of the place. And - to not have to board Rhett.

So the second week into this venture, we saw The House. It was recently listed, included all the attributes we listed (plus more!) and the realtor could show it that weekend. The result? The house was vacant, the owner was motivated and we close on it next week. In the spirit of full-disclosure, this house is in the community next to the one we originally liked, but we like this community even better, and have access to both with an easy drive.

If I can do it, you can do it. All this took was belief, joy and trust.  And you have to open to the possibilities. Spirit will give you exactly what you ask for, or better. So ask for the best.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Lammas - What are you harvesting?

Ah, Lammas, the first of three harvest festivals for those of us following the wheel of the year. I love this time of year, my tomatoes are coming in, and my garden is lush.

So, what are you harvesting this time of year? I am seeing the benefits of some groundwork I laid awhile ago. Actually, it was unconsciouly done, but Spirit has a way of bringing it all together.

One of my goals was to be more articulate, personally and professionally - and you're reading one of my creations right now. I'm also passionate about social justice and taking responsibility.

Today, I made a second call to my city hall, and spoke with the city manager about a sidewalk that's been broken into pieces and tossed in it's hole, for two years. This week, the homeowner dumped woodchips in it. This street is the main route to the middle and high schools, and along the parade route of our little autumn parade. More importantly, we have zoning laws that are supposed to prevent this danger.

Also on the menu was the uncut weeds - thigh high - surrounding the Charter One Bank in the downtown. Now, I listened to the usual council won't enforce/we have no money blah blah, but I did get my point across regarding the sidewalk. Also commented that I may be showing up at city council, since city manager says they are the culprits who won't enforce our zoning.

Am I buying this? Not so much, because I'm a veteran of local government and especially zoning. But by expressing concern in a polite and professional way, I got his ear, and a possible invitation to sit on the downtown development committee. I've always said, put the complainers on the committee. Good for me.

And Charter One - yes, he said he'd get that baby trimmed up. ("They are not being good partners," said Karen.)

So you know I'm a passionate reader and closet novelist. One set of neighbors - both elementary school teachers with Master Degrees, tossed two cardboard boxes of like-new kids books, in the trash. They're moving - thank you Higher Power - and it's bad enought they don't recycle, but tossing books? You're teachers for heavens' sake. And, they just finished nattering to my husband about how much money teachers have to spend on their classroom.

I made a kamikaze raid on their trash and will deliver the books to my library this week.

So, why is this my harvest? Because I finally feel the courage to speak my mind, and have the 'knowing' that I can do this (act) in a responsible manner. It's standing in my power, from the heart and acting with Spirit.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Talking Tarot

The Magic Toshiba Laptop has a webcam and I've put up a video on my website and YouTube. It's very elementary but I will build on that with additional videos.

Always remember, If I can do it, you can do it. As soon as you start the wheels turning, you'll be presented with opportunities. For example, Ye Olde Dell laptop was on life support and what was holding me back? Fear of setting up new laptop. And honestly, they all look alike to me.

So, shout out to my friend Oz who did the research for me, and gave me reasonable affordable options, and even offered to set up this bad boy. But, I surprised myself and got it set up, hooked up and operational with interent etc. Honestly, technology has come a looooong way since we bought that first one. Still - proud of myself to meeting the challenge.

My point is, when you really want to do something, the Universe conspires in your favor. It's like that old spiritual adage, when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. This is true! Always be open to your teachers - and your students, yes! you are a teacher too! and take the opportunities that come your way.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Peak Experiences

You mostly hear about peak experiences on sports or adventure shows, where athletes or adventurers are telling us about the adrenaline rush they get from an extraordinary play or achievement.
No doubt climbing Mt. McKinley, or hitting the run that wins the World Series qualify as peak experiences. You don’t have to see the shine in their eyes to know they’re feeling that rush, even as a memory. We feel it for them, too.
But what about a spiritual peak experience?
They don’t make the news, and unless you have friends that share your spiritual enthusiasm, or you subscribe to a magazine such as “Spirituality and Health” you probably won’t hear (or have the opportunity to discuss) a peak spiritual experience.
Spiritual paths are marathons. And when you’re traveling, you have to accept there are climbs, descents and plateaus. But every once in a while, there’s a moment – of ecstasy or peace or manifestation – that takes our breath away.
That’s our peak experience.
It hurts to let that experience fade because chances are, I'm not going to have them on a daily basis. Like a junkie, I want the next fix now.  That’s when I find myself pushing for the spiritual ‘high,’ the next step, the next insight. Inevitably, this death-grip approach throttles any further spiritual progress.
This is when – for me- “Let go and let God,” has meaning.
My take away from these very personal experiences, and lessons, is to have patience, to release expectation, and to be open to receiving. Living in the ‘now’ moment, instead of holding the past, or anticipating the future.
Jack Kornfield’s book “After the Ecstasy, the Laundry: How the Heart Grows Wise on the Spiritual Path” has always intrigued me. I love the title, and since it’s still on my reading list, I can’t give you a review. But it’s title alone has become a mantra for me.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Yoga Junkie

I revived my yoga practice this month.

Maybe 'revitalized' is a better word, because I've been attending a 45 minute fitness yoga class at our Y for four years. But the class was repetitive, and geared toward fitness. There was no breathing or meditation and I thought I could make up for that loss at home. After all, I'd taken yoga for nearly 15 years, on and off, at several studios.

Actually, two things propelled me to take my practice back to a studio, and into a more sacred realm. One was a series of dreams, where a turbaned man was instructing a yoga class. The other was hyper-extending my knee during a fast session of Upward Dog, Downward Dog.

And there is nothing like pain to prompt change.

Around the same time, I began attending the UU Church near us (see my post about Put up or Shut up) and someone mentioned a holistic health store and restaurant in another little town. In a flash, I remembered I had been to this store, and I thought they offered yoga. Sure enough they did, and at a variety of times and levels.

After four classes, the improvement in my self-esteem, tranquility and flexibility is remarkable. Icing on the cake is a deep respect for the teacher, and the sacred space she creates, and allows us to co-create with her.

I am infinitely grateful.

So the take away here is: listen to your dreams and guidance.

On a side note, I spend much of June and early July putting up a website. It's called Spirit Celebrates and it's at I performed my first wedding for the daughter of my dear friend and one of my soul sisters, and there's a picture from the ceremony.

Monday, June 6, 2011

"Put up, or Shut up"

I'm not insulting you. That's what I've dubbed the year 2011. My "Put up or Shut up" year. For context, 2010 was "Try one new thing each month" year.

So, this is the year I'm making good on all the dithering.

I finally realized that it would never be a perfect time to write a novel, that I would never polish my writing enough to feel good about blogging, and that I may not be perfect, but it's perfectly ok to be me.

There's a church I've driven past a million times, and for months I've found excuses not to get my rear in gear on Sunday morning. Snow, too tired, rain, bad hair. And finally, FINALLY  I knew I had to either go, or drop the whole idea.

I'm glad I went.

And so, this is my lesson, if I feel like checking something out, I'm going to do it, or let it go. How much time have I wasted worrying about doing something? Too much. I decided to put myself out there with teaching some classes, which made me sweat because who was I to have such grand ideas? Well, why not me? And I had little cards printed up, with such a pretty design. And when I handed one out, I realized I forgot to put a phone number on them.

A year ago this would have absolutely made me believe I was not meant to do this. Now, I just laughed and wrote my number on the card. It's not the end of the world.

I don't have to be perfect, and neither do you. We're all wonderful Works in Progress, and unless we get over ourselves, we're never going to know how Wonderful we all can be.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Summer, finally

I see I've been lax again on posting.

Spring lasted 32 minutes and we swung into summer in late May. Like everyone else, I was catching up on yard work (machete and boots) and housework (windows!). Well, that has meditative qualities too. My mom was a world-class Spring Cleaner. She'd strip beds, wash walls, pull out the pots and pans and scrub it all. The house smelled fantastic afterward. It was a rite of spring.

Me, not so much.
But I do focus my intention when I'm cleaning - not just removing dust and dirt, but on lifting the energy in the space. Just like your rooms can smell stale, the energy can get stale too. An open window with and a stiff breeze can start the process, and if you can smudge with sage, even better. (Note: walking through your house with a lit cigarette is NOT smudging. Just saying.)

So, now that the plants are planted, windows are washed and grass is at a manageable height, I have no excuses about missing a post.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ohio Spring

Thank you Sun, for making an appearance.

I forgot what you looked like, and the plants I planted three weeks ago have grown gills. I was hoping for flowers, but you know best, Mother Nature.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Stepping up our game

We need to step up our game for the people in our lives. . Use the gifts we have to help us elevate ourselves, and to powerfully aid the people around us. Just by being the best ‘us’ we can be. Not stretch ourselves too thin, but to be strong enough to support and lift others, and wise enough to respect and set our own boundaries. It really is time for gentle warriors  - strong in themselves, supportive of others. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Every now and then I feel overwhelmed by what I can't do.

I can't solve the budget crisis. I worry about the people who need heating assistance or food assistance when those programs are being cut. I resent the amount of money spent on overseas wars, when our own people have unmet needs like the aforementioned heating and food assistance. I mean really, why is anyone in America going hungry?

You may feel this way too - substitute the topics that overwhelm you.

But, I can bring my gifts to the table. I'm a connector. I connect people to what they need. If we're playing Trivial Pursuit, you want me on your team, because I have a gift for knowing where to find information, and retaining arcane pieces of it.

That seems small . Those gifts won't cure cancer, but a smile might lift someone's spirits. Knowing the answer to someone's question might point them in the direction to solve their problem. Listening fully might make someone feel that God is listening too. You never know how positively you impact people. But as small as this seems, it gives me the sense that I do have power over my life, that I do make a difference (and you do too.)
And that uplifting someone uplifts us all.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Mercury Retrograde

Which typically means communications can go awry and issues from the past - that you thought were settled - come back.

Are you able to ride out Mercury Rx? Does the 'knowing it's MRx' make it easier?

My friends are split on this. Some say if your vibration is strong enough and you're confident in yourself, it should have no effect. And others are cautious about doing card card readings.

For my part, I say having a heads up never hurts, even if you are settled energetically, perhaps others are not.

Friday, April 1, 2011


Back in the (Catholic School) day, we sang a hymn called "Here I am, Lord." Basically, you were telling God you were ready to serve Him. "I have heard you calling..."
I think it was Dr. Wayne Dyer who said to start each day thinking "How may I serve?" And for years I adopted this as my morning that. That, and gratitude.

But, what if you repunctuated that hymn so it became "Here, I AM?"

Recognize that you are answering/activating/accepting your own divinity.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


You love it, hate it, fear it and want it. Power. At one time or another, we've all dealt with the effects of Power. It's been abused, misused and talked about since time began.

We talk about empowerment. Standing in our power. Taking back our power.

And those are all true statements. The bottom line is, most women are afraid of power because we fear abusing it. We are overly sensitive to someone disliking our use of power. 

At some point, we have to accept that someone else may not like our decisions, but that doesn't make us wrong. "They" may be wrong and want "their" way.

Most women I know who are hesitant about "standing in their power" are really saying "I don't want to hurt someone, maybe they're right and I'm wrong, it's easier for ME to stand back and make 'them' happy, then there's peace."

True, there may be peace - and we all ultimately want peace - but at what cost? Surrendering to another person's demands/desires doesn't always mean peace. Short term, yes. But are you setting yourself up for continually backing down? Are you going to feel peaceful down the road, when you no longer have any say in the matter? I think not.

The women I know who worry about misusing power, are never the ones that abuse it. They've generally over-thought their decision and have looked at the issue from everyone's point of view. And by the time they do make a decision, they're exhausted. 

This is a good time to use the "Let go and let God," phrase. You've thoughtfully considered options, and your decision is valid.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


My guides were loud this morning, very adament. Clean, Cleanse!

I've been laying low, caught up in mid-winter blahs and some low, negative and recurring thoughts. You know. Like the record's stuck.

This morning, Ohio caught a break. It's sunny and 50.

Boy, I've really had it with the neighbors, too.

First, I smudged. Thank you Spirit of White Sage. You graced my garden for two years and you hang in my bedroom, a fragrant reminder of the protection you offer. I started with myself, concentrating on my back area, to release the past thoughts that are keeping me stuck in the present. I felt like I was surrounded by dense thorny hedges, and as I smudged and asked AA Michael and Raphael for release and healing. I sensed giant hedge clippers, hacking through the mess.

Smudged the upstairs.

Opened windows in all four directions and asked the spirits of each direction to cleanse the space, keep the energy flowing.

Now, my north windows face a neighbor. Their house is 15 feet from mine. They have a high wattage light that illuminates my entire house, all night long, three dogs they ignore, and a bad habit of slamming their truck door so hard, that my windows shake.

And on this side, I felt such heaviness. I *saw* the North Mountain and Hawk, soaring.
"Hawk what is your message this morning?" "Rise above daughter"
"Mountain, spirit of the North, I ask your protection!"
When I held out my hands, I could feel the heaviness of the neighbors energy - very intrusive, and clearly in my space. The Barrow Wights came through for me. First time. They helped me push this energy away, and shrink it.

This may take several applications, and stronger measures may be called for.

To close the energy, we took the dog for a long walk.
Result: I feel much clearer. I hear messages better, including the one that says I don't have to fix other people. (Stay in your own energy).

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Manifesting (still)

We're always manifesting. Whatever we're focused on, grows. Good or bad, worthwhile or worthless.

I just realized that my focus on "having less so someone else won't feel bad" manifested just that. A small decrease in my income, ostensibly due to taxes. In my case, it was a specific situation that I was afraid of confronting honestly. So - lesson learned.

It's true - it serves no purpose to pretend "small". Not one more person will be fed, clothed or housed because I do not accept my good, my abundance, my gifts.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Part of manifesting is Visualizing - seeing what you want. Why don't they call it "seeing what you want?" Probably because "vision" is wider frame. It's both a concept "I have a vision of my future" and a reality "I envision myself in a new and lovely home."

Visualizing, in the sense we're talking about, is putting out a call to action to the Universe. You envision what you want, and release it. The Universe responds.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Manifesting 101

What is manifesting?

It's making your dreams come true. I can "write the words" about how to manifest and you can find a zillion articles that will tell you the same thing. It's like advanced daydreaming - picturing what you really want, then letting it "go."

The key component in manifesting is aligning your energy with your dream. This means, feeling the emotion of actually having your dream - and this is harder than it sounds.

We actually manifest all the time, but we call it something different. Luck, good or bad, Karma, good or bad, coincidence. We're unconciously manifesting all the time, usually through worry, and often through imagining the worst case scenarios for any given situation.

I am very guilty of this, under the guise of "being prepared for when things go wrong."

And often, things Have gone wrong.

So, years ago, I became more concious of my thoughts. Very hard, indeed because I was in a rut of "what will I do if..." and then playing out various disasters.

It's taken years to correct this thought process, but it can be done. It's discipline and a willingness to let go of some cherished bad habits.

My best example, to date, of manifesting my dreams was when I manifested my current (and much loved) job. When I was ready to leave my last position, instead of focusin on the things and people I disliked, I wrote down the things I would absolutely love in a new and perfect job. "Part-time, people with good senses of humor, I feel appreciated, I make valuable contributions to the organization and it is recognized" were some of the descriptions. And, I spent ten minutes everyday really feeling how wonderful that position felt, as if it were mine, right now.

And it did manifest, exactly as I envisioned (and emotionally felt) it.

I recommend "Creative Visualization" by Shakti Gawain. This book really gave me the start on manifesting. It's a short read, understandable and I've held onto it for many, many years.

Go Manifest something in 2011.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Omen - Dead Birds

What did it mean? Dead birds in Arkansas, Scandinavia and Italy?

It foretold losses for the Ravens, Seahawks and Falcons.

The subhead is "Mystic Wisdom from the Midwest." We're practical people here. :)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I am a huge Doreen Virtue Fan. Here is her AA Michael Channeling for 2011 from Facebook.

Fashion Wisdom

Unless you are Jackie Cooper from "The Little Rascals", your baseball cap brim goes in front.

Seriously, you look like an idiot.And it makes me wonder if it unscrews your brain.

(I'm looking at you, "neighbor", age 30, father of 3, who teaches middle school and told me the problem in the Middle East started when Buddha killed Mohammed.)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Making Peace with Winter

I am a Summer Girl. It can't get hot enough or sunny enough for me. And in Ohio, both qualities are precious and in short supply.

So it's mid-January, grey, cold and snowy and for years I've "girded my loins" to deal with winter. With layers, and shivering and the dry air in my house. By March, serious cabin fever has set in.

This year, I'm seeing the beauty in winter, and not just the blue twilight on the snow. Watching a family of squirrels play around the oak tree reminds me to lighten up and play. Standing outside watching Rhett, our rescued Coonhound romp in the snow and hearing a lone bird call gives me a connection to nature that I readily feel in the warm weather, but neglect to look for, in the cold.

And, it's a time of introspection and meditation, made easier by the early nightfall (and lack of quality TV programming.) So far, I've been able to lower my blood pressure with the meditation and exercise. Been a little lean on the exercise, but more on that later.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I'm a fan of Doreen Virtue. I think I have most of her Oracle cards. Anyway, continuing my morning spiritual routine, I drew "Your Patience will Be Rewarded" from her Magical Unicorn deck.

Summary of Day:
My car stalled out twice on the way to work. The second time was on an incline, at an interesection. Did I mention I drive a stick? And there were seven cars behind me. I had a death grip on the steering wheel. A real OMG what do I do? moment. (massive prayers to saints and angels).

The car ultimately started and I limped it back home.

Plan A was to change cars with my husband, who was at a new dentist. I didn't realize that would be two hour appointment, or that we would now be stimulating the local economy through dental, periodontal and car repairs.

I did change cars, and while I was at work, the predicted winter storm let loose, so navigating intense snow in a Civic to get home was another challenge.

End of Day Thought: I didn't panic too much in the car, and took most of the day's events in stride - a big step forward for me. So, I'll chalk it up to a successful day, at least on a spiritual level.

Monday, January 10, 2011

It is irresponsible

For public officials, pundits and "Personalities" to NOT realize their words have impact on the marginal people among us.

Want to get your hate on? That's what your living room is for. But to tweet your condolences after posting a gun cross hair on someone's congressional district, or to let supporters shoot an M-16 at your fundraisers (shooting at your opponent's picture) and say those actions had nothing to do with any violence, is delusional. And arrogant.

That's not freedom of speech or expression, that's being a thug. 

And let's be really absurd and debate sanitizing Huckleberry Finn, one of America's great literary works. Because deleting words that were reality 120 years ago makes some people feel "better." 

Shouldn't we take care of the rhetoric today, first?

Saturday, January 8, 2011

And we start off with...

What am I doing with this? I thought it'd be a cool format to share some mystic wisdom from the Midwest. That is code for "practical wisdom and spirituality". My code, that is.

My 2011 Goal is to read one inspiring article each morning. And in January, every bit of inspiration helps. Now, this is not a New Year's Resolution - I mark my new year by my birthday, which gives me a three month head start on the rest of you. Mind games do work.

I picked "Around the Year" with Emmet Fox, since it conveniently gives a daily reading on one book. So far, so good. I'm adding to the inspiration by picking a card from one of the (many) oracle card decks I have. Today it was Doreen Virtue's "Healing with the Angels" deck. "You are Very Clairvoyant", ok... I drew 2 from Doreen's Magical Unicorns (loved horses as a kid, so couldn't resist). "Talk to Friends" and "Teamwork".

Feels inspiring. Let's see, I've cleaned out some old magazines and papers, meditated, made lunch and have dinner in the oven.

Basically, I feel pretty peaceful, so I score this as a "win".