Thursday, February 17, 2011


My guides were loud this morning, very adament. Clean, Cleanse!

I've been laying low, caught up in mid-winter blahs and some low, negative and recurring thoughts. You know. Like the record's stuck.

This morning, Ohio caught a break. It's sunny and 50.

Boy, I've really had it with the neighbors, too.

First, I smudged. Thank you Spirit of White Sage. You graced my garden for two years and you hang in my bedroom, a fragrant reminder of the protection you offer. I started with myself, concentrating on my back area, to release the past thoughts that are keeping me stuck in the present. I felt like I was surrounded by dense thorny hedges, and as I smudged and asked AA Michael and Raphael for release and healing. I sensed giant hedge clippers, hacking through the mess.

Smudged the upstairs.

Opened windows in all four directions and asked the spirits of each direction to cleanse the space, keep the energy flowing.

Now, my north windows face a neighbor. Their house is 15 feet from mine. They have a high wattage light that illuminates my entire house, all night long, three dogs they ignore, and a bad habit of slamming their truck door so hard, that my windows shake.

And on this side, I felt such heaviness. I *saw* the North Mountain and Hawk, soaring.
"Hawk what is your message this morning?" "Rise above daughter"
"Mountain, spirit of the North, I ask your protection!"
When I held out my hands, I could feel the heaviness of the neighbors energy - very intrusive, and clearly in my space. The Barrow Wights came through for me. First time. They helped me push this energy away, and shrink it.

This may take several applications, and stronger measures may be called for.

To close the energy, we took the dog for a long walk.
Result: I feel much clearer. I hear messages better, including the one that says I don't have to fix other people. (Stay in your own energy).