Monday, November 28, 2011

Your Reading for December

I promise I will pull cards for this month and post them but for right now, let me share this wisdom from my guides:

1. Get off your Tukas. The guides want to remind you not to lolly gag at the beginning of the month. Yes, you think you're doing something by running around and shopping. But are you really like the deer staring at headlights? "Oh no, Christmas (Yule, Chanukah) is looming!" Get organized and take steps everyday to accomplish the crap you are so worried about. Then let it go. The second message here, is to move as in, take those yoga classes, walk outdoors (NO! MALL SHOPPING DOES NOT COUNT!). Get away from others and move your body so it can actually function, and relax.

2. Spend time in nature. See card 1. The mall, parties, and traffic take away from your energy base. I know, it's raining like crazy in Ohio, but maybe snowing where you're at. No matter. Find some time to get outside even it it's on your porch or stoop. Nature is really beautiful this time of year - it's quiet and it's the time for us to go 'within' as well. Breath the cold air, so what if it's wet? Ten or twenty minutes outside will change your attitude and recharge your energy. If you can get outside and walk in a park, even better. Leave the headphones at home, and let nature's peace enter your being.

3. What are you doing this for? At the end of the month, take time to remember why you were so frantic. Whether you're celebrating Yule, Christmas or Chanukah, it's the returning light - in the form of the Sun, the Christ Child, or the lit menorah from the oil that lasted eight days - that reminds us that we too, are lights in the world.

This is the darkest time of the year. Days are short and we celebrate to relieve the darkness and remind ourselves that the light always returns. Take that in whatever spiritual context suits you. This is not the end, but the beginning. Find ways to lighten up - yourself, your schedule, your heart. This time of preparation should be a way to open doors to deeper awareness of the miracles of simply living another day, taking another breath, and loving those around us.

So - let's kick this off properly and with joy.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Best. Holiday. Ever.

Seriously, who doesn't love a day devoted to feasting and football? Or another leisure activity. It was sunny for part of the day and our feast turned out great. Mr. Rhett got giddy and counter surfed, but who can blame a coonhound for going after roast turkey? Or third dinner?

This is a day to realize how blessed I am - to thank the Universe for all the abundance, the good health, the love of my family and for an even more abundant future.

Blessings to all.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Indian Summer!

It's Indian Summer in Ohio and PA. This picture is the Allegheny River, near our home in PA. So near, that I can walk down there. (And if I don't set the parking brake, my car will end up there since it's at the end of our street.)

Anyway, you can see how gorgeous this area is, and for me, this is a magical place. The river current, the trees, the Allegheny Mountains, all create a space that feels otherworldy - to me, anything can be created here. I very much feel the energy of the land.

Where is your magical place? Is it you garden (yes, my garden is magical too) Is it a place in the park or woods? Where ever it is, you feel the sacredness when you visit. And, if you're working on visualizing, you can 'go' there any time you want, in any season.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday November 4

It's a gorgeous fall day in Ohio and we're headed to Oil City for the Weekend. If you haven't been on the website lately, check my "Weekends in Oil City" Blog to see what we're doing over there. It's a magical place as well.

I am 2 days behind in my Nano writing and 'blah' about my plot. So, I down loaded "Write or Die" that puts the 'prod' in productivity and we'll see how that goes.

In the meantime, spend some time in nature. All of winter is an internal time for me - to germinate what I want to manifest in the spring and summer. But there's something particularly profound about these days between Samhain and Yule. Get in touch with the self that jumped in leaves and anticipated hot chocolate. Get in touch with the Fae and Nature Spirits, or your ancesters. The veil is still thin from Samhain and if you missed an opportunity to pray for or commune with them, it's not too late. It's never too late, but take some time now before the hectic times begin.