Sunday, July 31, 2011

Talking Tarot

The Magic Toshiba Laptop has a webcam and I've put up a video on my website and YouTube. It's very elementary but I will build on that with additional videos.

Always remember, If I can do it, you can do it. As soon as you start the wheels turning, you'll be presented with opportunities. For example, Ye Olde Dell laptop was on life support and what was holding me back? Fear of setting up new laptop. And honestly, they all look alike to me.

So, shout out to my friend Oz who did the research for me, and gave me reasonable affordable options, and even offered to set up this bad boy. But, I surprised myself and got it set up, hooked up and operational with interent etc. Honestly, technology has come a looooong way since we bought that first one. Still - proud of myself to meeting the challenge.

My point is, when you really want to do something, the Universe conspires in your favor. It's like that old spiritual adage, when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. This is true! Always be open to your teachers - and your students, yes! you are a teacher too! and take the opportunities that come your way.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Peak Experiences

You mostly hear about peak experiences on sports or adventure shows, where athletes or adventurers are telling us about the adrenaline rush they get from an extraordinary play or achievement.
No doubt climbing Mt. McKinley, or hitting the run that wins the World Series qualify as peak experiences. You don’t have to see the shine in their eyes to know they’re feeling that rush, even as a memory. We feel it for them, too.
But what about a spiritual peak experience?
They don’t make the news, and unless you have friends that share your spiritual enthusiasm, or you subscribe to a magazine such as “Spirituality and Health” you probably won’t hear (or have the opportunity to discuss) a peak spiritual experience.
Spiritual paths are marathons. And when you’re traveling, you have to accept there are climbs, descents and plateaus. But every once in a while, there’s a moment – of ecstasy or peace or manifestation – that takes our breath away.
That’s our peak experience.
It hurts to let that experience fade because chances are, I'm not going to have them on a daily basis. Like a junkie, I want the next fix now.  That’s when I find myself pushing for the spiritual ‘high,’ the next step, the next insight. Inevitably, this death-grip approach throttles any further spiritual progress.
This is when – for me- “Let go and let God,” has meaning.
My take away from these very personal experiences, and lessons, is to have patience, to release expectation, and to be open to receiving. Living in the ‘now’ moment, instead of holding the past, or anticipating the future.
Jack Kornfield’s book “After the Ecstasy, the Laundry: How the Heart Grows Wise on the Spiritual Path” has always intrigued me. I love the title, and since it’s still on my reading list, I can’t give you a review. But it’s title alone has become a mantra for me.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Yoga Junkie

I revived my yoga practice this month.

Maybe 'revitalized' is a better word, because I've been attending a 45 minute fitness yoga class at our Y for four years. But the class was repetitive, and geared toward fitness. There was no breathing or meditation and I thought I could make up for that loss at home. After all, I'd taken yoga for nearly 15 years, on and off, at several studios.

Actually, two things propelled me to take my practice back to a studio, and into a more sacred realm. One was a series of dreams, where a turbaned man was instructing a yoga class. The other was hyper-extending my knee during a fast session of Upward Dog, Downward Dog.

And there is nothing like pain to prompt change.

Around the same time, I began attending the UU Church near us (see my post about Put up or Shut up) and someone mentioned a holistic health store and restaurant in another little town. In a flash, I remembered I had been to this store, and I thought they offered yoga. Sure enough they did, and at a variety of times and levels.

After four classes, the improvement in my self-esteem, tranquility and flexibility is remarkable. Icing on the cake is a deep respect for the teacher, and the sacred space she creates, and allows us to co-create with her.

I am infinitely grateful.

So the take away here is: listen to your dreams and guidance.

On a side note, I spend much of June and early July putting up a website. It's called Spirit Celebrates and it's at I performed my first wedding for the daughter of my dear friend and one of my soul sisters, and there's a picture from the ceremony.